Following yesterday's blog post it was interesting to see this post from Endaf Kerfoot in LinkediN's Intelligent Social Media Gr...

When Social Media Attacks - An Update

Following yesterday's blog post it was interesting to see this post from Endaf Kerfoot in LinkediN's Intelligent Social Media Group comments which berates Eurostar for sending this email after all the porblems they have had recently - in his words "The question is - does ANYONE in their marketing team have a brain to be sending marketing emails out at the current time (without so much as a reference to how they have royally screwed up these past few days)? Or, to turn this into a discussion, how should brands respond in the digital sphere when faced with PR catastrophe? Would YOU send out marketing messaging as if it's "business as usual" in a time of unprecedented stress for your customers?
It will be very interesting to see the story unfold online over the next week or so and see what they have in their plans to address this in the New Year.

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