There has been a lot of chat about Chat Roulette over the last few months ranging from "don't believe the hype" and "...

The multiple applications of social media


There has been a lot of chat about Chat Roulette over the last few months ranging from "don't believe the hype" and "flash in the pan" to "Russian teenage millionaire" and "the next Facebook". We had discussed this a few times in the office as a Client of ours was interested in getting involved and following in the likes of brands like French Connection and Gif Gaf who have been coat tailing the concept without any real thought or cleverness. We dismissed as 9amongst other reasons) according to Techcrunch it is used by 89% males, 50% from the USA, with the next largest country being France with 15%, and 1 in 8 spins resulted in something R-rated ‘or worse’. BUT when I saw this from Ben Folds has been doing with it in homage to Merton it not only made me smile (or as one comment said "feel warm inside") but also made me realise how immediately adaptable social media is. As Chris Brogan blogged last week Ben Folds video in front of 2,000 in Charlotte has ressurected his interest in the singer - he even bought one of his albums ! This to me is the beauty of the digital space and demonstrates perfectly how a brand can take advantage of these sort of ideas in social media and adapt them to their own ends - be that entertainment of selling albums his take on this works so much better than the coat tailers ! Watch and be entertained and learn.

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