OMG! Have you heard the news about Daft Punk's new album, Random Access Memories? They just tweeted the link to a preview of t...

Daft Punk is playing in my feed, my feed.


OMG! Have you heard the news about Daft Punk's new album, Random Access Memories? They just tweeted the link to a preview of the tracklist on Vine!!! This is almost as exciting as that collaborator interview on youtube, and those other 3 before that. AND OMFG have you seen their SNL appearance with Pharrell that's all over facebook? I'm going to send you a link to the soundcloud with all the remixes from their 15 second preview clip. lol.

My point, if you can withstand the sarcasm, is that I don't think I've ever seen the marketing of an album launch encompass social media across the board like this. And the annoying thing is, I want to resent them for intruding into every avenue of my online conscious - but ultimately owe a debt of gratitude to the particularly thorough social media team behind it all. Because they are pushing this sort of content in my face - - and I can't blame them for that.

Although having said that, by the time it's released I'll be bored of it. So if anyone asks, I liked it before it was cool.

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