Our talk Social Media Week London Talk is only 24 hours away! WHAT DOES A BRAND’S ONLINE PERSONA REALLY LOOK LIKE ? In a connected wo...

Would a brand date or employ itself ? #smwldn


Our talk Social Media Week London Talk is only 24 hours away!


In a connected world a person is increasingly defined by their personal brand profile, indeed this is often the first impression that people create even before a face to face meeting. This includes the content they create, comment on and share, the tone they use and the channels they choose. Some people spend a great deal of time crafting and refining this image to achieve authenticity and credibility amongst their personal and professional network, some think less of it, often resulting in a confusing or indeed schizophrenic online persona.

Many companies fail to apply the same principles to their own brand in social often resulting in conflicting communications that restrict their ability to sell their products and services to the increasingly savvy, connected consumer.

Over a decade ago the conversation was around what people could learn from brands but at Gravity Thinking we think the time has come for brands to be judged against people, after all brands content is seen next to posts from friends, family and celebrities.

So what is the real personality top brands are portraying in social media and does it match the values the brand wants to portray ? What if these social media profiles were for people ? Would consumers want a relationship with them…to employ them…be friends with them…go on a date with them…?

Gravity Thinking will share the early findings of a year long project using psychologists’ personal profiling techniques to help show brands how they should be using the same principles as personal branding in their verbal and visual social communications.

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