For the third year we're off to Austin, Texas to the world's biggest breeding ground for emerging technologies and creative ...

Magic or Logic @ SXSW ?


For the third year we're off to Austin, Texas to the world's biggest breeding ground for emerging technologies and creative innovation.

There's two sides to every story and SXSW is no different. Michaela will be covering the logical and analytical while Andrew will be seeking out the magical and forward-thinking. See what the team will be looking for:

Michaela is our SXSW Logic seeker
Despite its leftfield reputation, last year’s SXSW gave us a wealth of new ideas. This year, inside the hundreds of events there’s some real gems that can give you the edge over your competitors and take advantage of the ever-moving landscape of digital marketing.\

Past years have seen the launch of apps like Foursquare, partnerships such as AMEX and Twitter stunts such as Nikon’s ‘The Case’ and data-focused inspiration from Pinterest and Foursquare.
So SXSW isn’t just about future tech. It’s about real things we as marketers can use today. I’ll be your eyes and ears separating the sane ideas from the crazy ones. follow me @mich_maci and watch out for #sxswlogic

Andrew is our SXSW Magic seeker
Austin’s slogan ‘Keeping Austin weird’ reflects the city’s reputation as a cultural haven for the eclectic and experimental.
But it’s when SXSW hits town that the magic really happens – last year we saw Elon Musk talk about eco friendly space travel, Al Gore give us his vision for ‘The Future’ including, implausibly, ‘Spider Goats’ and Julie Uhrman introducing Ouya, a Kickstarter funded open source gaming console.
I’ll be keeping you up informed about everything magical that happens at SXSW, discovering what will be driving digital conversations over the coming year. Follow Andrew @ajfroberts and watch out for #sxswmagic

We will be aggregating all the LOGIC and MAGIC at  and updating a daily blog

The team back at base will be retweeting the most interesting and useful tweets @gravitythinking

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