By Andrew Roberts As part of Social Media Week London we hosted 3 events - the first being 'Quanting the Qual' - the synopsis w...

Quanting the qual at Social Media Week London #SMWQUANT

By Andrew Roberts

As part of Social Media Week London we hosted 3 events - the first being 'Quanting the Qual' - the synopsis was:

There has always been a fight in the research world between two different approaches – quantitative and qualitative. The former explores the what, where and when of behaviour, the latter the how and why of behaviour. Researchers tend to see themselves in one of the two different sides scientific, objective and reliable or subjective, unrepeatable and therefore unscientific. The truth is that both approaches are unique and offer something that the other method can’t and as such they have become complimentary.
Nowhere is this more applicable than in social listening – traditionally the tools have presented a mix of qual and quant – quant for element such as the buzz, the volume of mentions and the location and qual for the actual conversations, the sentiment and the meaning behind the chat and the twain is never met.
Gravity Thinking will show how you you can quantify the qual to make sense of online conversations, contextualise the results and even reach the holy grail of benchmarking and quantifying the ROI of social media activity.

Watch it here on livestream:


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