As part of Social Media Week London 2014 we hosted 3 events at Gravity Thinking - the final event was entitled  Synopsis The impact...

Changing the conversation: Engaging consumers and making genuine impact. #SMWCTC

As part of Social Media Week London 2014 we hosted 3 events at Gravity Thinking - the final event was entitled 

The impact of digital and social media means that brands are shaped by consumers now – their voice is heard loud and wide, this is both a brands greatest opportunity and greatest challenge. Competition for consumer attention exists not only within the brand category but also within other categories and wider consumer experiences. This means your brand is competing against global giants such as Nike and Burberry as well as other entertainment platforms, both online and off line so how do you compete ?
We all know that being active within the digital and social space is essential and being relevant is increasingly critical however the real trick is influencing consumers where they are online. Whilst many brands are happy to join the conversation – be where consumers are, talk about what consumers want to talk about and engage them in a passive way – that’s fine and will get you so far however if you want genuine impact then you need to think differently and do more, you need to actively change the conversation.
This talk will focus on the approach to changing the conversation including LISTENING to what your consumers are saying, thinking STRATEGICALLY about what you are trying to achieve and THINKing AND ACTING past the conversation. We will share the approach and show examples of the opportunities that this mindset can unlock and how successful the outcome can be.

Watch it on Livestream :


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