Facebook and Instagram will be launching its new captive ad format called Cinemagraphs in the near future. Cinemagraphs are half-video, h...

Cinemagraphs are the hypnotic new ad format.

Facebook and Instagram will be launching its new captive ad format called Cinemagraphs in the near future. Cinemagraphs are half-video, half-photography – think a fancier gif/jpeg. The term was first coined by photographers Jamie Beck and Kevin Berg who started experimenting with the format back in 2011. 

Facebook has positioned Instagram with its new repeating film function to make it perfect for cinemagraphs. Interested in making your own in Photoshop? Here’s a quick tutorial.

Here's some GIFs of our favourite subject - whisky - that we're eagerly awaiting to recreate as Cinemagraphs:

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